
Friday, September 12, 2014

Ferrum™ Pt. 5

There it was. An oasis in a necrotic desert that is the Wisconsin countryside. A well off, well built farm house was planted right in front of us. It was early morning and so sunny. It was like the Gods finally saw us and gave us refuge.

Ares: "Are you ready to do a sweep of this house Aleks?"

Aleks: "It's be so fucking long since I've been in a house, yes I'm fuckin' ready!" I was smiling as I spoke.

It was a small two story house. Each floor was only about 1000 square feet. We entered the house, sidearms raised and aimed. The sweep was quick and intense. As soon as it was done though, it felt like a drug hitting you. The fact that we have a safe place to stay for a bit and that place was a house, we won the lottery.

We wasted no time going through everything that the former owner left behind. There was quite a lot still there so we figured the past owner left quickly or didn't believe he or she would be gone for long. We found prescriptions, books, board games, and even enough food and bottled water to last a couple days.

We reenforced the windows and doors. We gathered all of our supplies, including all the supplies that we found, in the 2nd floor master bedroom.

Ares was finally able to shave, including his head. We both got ourselves cleaned up and took our deserved places on the queen bed. We decided to just spend the rest of the day relaxing. I mean, we earned a day off.

We settled on playing texas holdem with a deck of cards we found.

Ares was only wearing a cut sleeved zip up sweatshirt, which he wore well on account that he was so muscular, and a pair of light blue jeans. I had a t-shirt on and a lamb fur vest.

Aleks: "Lets have this day be our day away." I smiled.

Ares: "That sounds like an amazing idea little koutavi." He gave me a warm look.

Koutavi means puppy in greek and had been Ares' nickname for me. He would say it with such affection as to immediately calm me in any situation.

Aleks: "This reminds me of when Soren and I would have "at home date night," if he was home. I guess Soren and I didn't have the healthiest of relationships." I laughed a sad laugh.

Ares: "You don't have to go there now."

Aleks: "No, no. I'm fine with that part of my life. Actually I'm grateful for it. Soren and I have a real love/hate relationship thing going on. I love him as one would love a close pet." I smiled as I said it, because it was true. "I never doubt his love for me, I never did. But with as much love there is, it's matched by hate. If he said he'd be home at 9pm, I learned to expect him home at 9am. Odds were that he'd be hungover and "drained" from barebacking a prostitute over the night. I'd have a romantic evening planned, he would know about what I'd planned, but still fall for one of his regulars. I don't think he ever forgave himself. Look at me, I say I want to relax for a day but I can't get away from shit filled thoughts."

Ares: "It's okay koutavi!" He smiled a wide smile. "You express your heart and that is so good for your mind, body, and soul."

Aleks: "I remember when Soren got me a pair of CZ Scorpions and they had custom grips. They said, "What a pair you and me are." in czech." My eyes start to get watery as I smile with the thought.

Ares: "You always end on the positive." He slides next to me and brings his heavily muscled and tattooed arm around my neck and pulls me into gently into him. My head rests up against the demigod's defined pec. We both fall back onto our backs, his arm still around me.

Aleks: "Ares, being so close to you reminds me how alone-"

Ares: "You are NOT alone koutavi. I won't leave you, I promise here and now that I'll protect you at whatever the cost."

Aleks: "You can't promise that. If you promise, this hostile life will turn you into a liar."

Ares: "Life will have its way, but not with us. We will survive until we return to normal lives. Always remember that I will protect you."

Aleks: "You're, you're my cerberus and I'm your koutavi?" I smiled as I spoke.

Ares laughed hard. It was nice to hear a laugh.

Ares: "Exypno skyli."

The midday sun was shining through the window. I unzipped his sweatshirt and rubbed his normally shaved, but now stubbled chest. I felt the contours of his chest and stomach muscles. The pronounced and raised muscle of Ares' body began a forgotten reaction inside my body. My heart and gut became restless.

Ares rolled on his side to face me. He then hesitated.

Ares: "Is this OK, Aleks?" He would only call me by my first name when he was deep in focus.

Aleks: "Yes." I spoke softly and nodded.

His hand slipped off my already unzipped vest and felt its way under my shirt. When his hand hand contact with my bare skin, my heightened nervous system forced a shiver through my body.

Ares: "You good?"

Aleks: "I'm perfect. It's been so long though that I wish I had bowled a practice frame before jumping into the game." We both gave a chuckle.

I hopped up for a moment to slip off my vest and undershirt. Ares took the time to remove his jacket. I lie back on my side still facing my hulking cerberus. I bring my hand to grasp the back of his freshly shaved head and pulled our foreheads to touching. I looked into his eyes and they looked back. The reviled such intense purpose. We were removed from this hellish world, existing only in our own hormone created euphoria.

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