
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

SCP-4x Draft.... Again.

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[[include component:image-block name=Lbgwwcf-1.jpg|caption=Victim of Biohazard Incident //Sverdlovsk.// [[footnote]]See //Preliminary NBC Incident Report Sverdlovsk,// named after the //1979 Sverdlovsk anthrax leak//[[/footnote]]]]

**Item #**: SCP-4x

**Object Class**: --Safe-- //Pending. -Alexandr █████, Operations Director, Site 204//

**Special Containment Procedures**:
When dealing with //Neurophyton anomalum// the use of a positive pressure personnel suit, with a segregated air supply is mandatory. The entrance and exit of the //N. anomalum// containment lab contains multiple showers, a vacuum room, and an ultraviolet light room to destroy all traces of biological hazard. Multiple airlocks are to be employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors from opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from the //N. anomalum// containment lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of subsequent accidental releases. See //Preliminary NBC Incident Report Sverdlovsk//.

Personnel assigned to //N. anomalum// must have specific training in handling extremely hazardous infectious agents. They are to be supervised by qualified personnel who are trained in mycology, epidemiology, and infectious disease. Access to the //N. anomalum// lab is to be controlled by Dr. Johann Størlid in special cooperation with Generálporučík[[footnote]]Generálporučík is the Czech equivalate to Lieutenant General.[[/footnote]] Miklos.

//Neurophyton anomalum// is an anomalous parasitoid fungi that has both asexual and sexual forms. The sexual form of //N. anomalum// produces a white, "puffball" fruiting body. The fruiting body erupts from the mandible. The fruiting body has not yet appeared naturally and can only be initiated //in vitro.// The specific reasons for that are unknown.

The asexual form appears as a white mold around the oral cavity. The asexual form is more infectious than the sexual form. The only samples of N. anomalum at Site 863 are in asexual forms.

Gyromitrin, found in //N. anomalum//, is partly converted into the hydrazone monomethylhydrazine (MMH), within the body. MMH is useful as a rocket propellent. MMH is in stage III testing for use as a propellent. Also found in //N. anomalum//, is an antagonist of dystrophin, known as MG-125. MG-125 is a structural analog of the synthetic dystrophin antagonist, MG-132. MG-125's actions on dystrophin are likely the cause of the severe muscle spasms, and other myopathies, seen in some //N. anomalum// infections

Results of genetic testing shows the four (4) main nucleobases but also found purine paired with inosine.

The course of any infection with //N. anomalum// seems to be based on the genetics or the metabolism of the host. The reasons for that are unknown at this time. But all infections show the following: Spasms (strong enough to break bone), white mold around the mouth, the anterior cingulate cortex becomes partially necrotic, the substantia gelatinosa becomes erratic and begins to send signals to the substantia nigra, gross atrophy of the skeletal muscles, movement becomes twitchy, sharp, quick, with pauses, and massive amounts of histamine are released.

The lifecycle of //N. anomalum// is extremely complex. The lifecycle and infection course are related. //Dr. Wolf Lorenz//, //Dr. Johann Størlid// and their respective teams are undertaking a project to map out the known life cycles.

Infection in a genetically healthy human is termed the //Kadera Cycle.//[[footnote]]It is named after mycologist, David Kadera.[[/footnote]]

__**Test Cycle 204863/Kadera Cycle- [REDACTED]**__

> **Subject:** D-8190 (Male, 25)
> **Procedure:** Spores of //N. anomalum// were delivered via intrathecal pump to minimize non-neurological affects.
> **Results:** Subject complained that his skin felt painfully cold. He said he had no urge to get away from it. This is the hallmark of the //N. anomalum// affect on the brain. He then began have muscle contractions that broke both femurs. These injuries were  painful for approximately 30mins. Physical, chorea-like movements progressed as followed: Normal movement. The "twitchy, sharp, quick with pauses. Not enough strength to walk. Breathing was normal throughout. He began to self mutilate by pulling out his finger nails. He tried to pull his toe nails out but he was too weak. He preceded to molest his newly injured fingers. When asked why, the subject said, "I need to feel...... Something." The subject expired 4mins minutes later, as noted via remote heart monitoring.
> **Analysis:** Audio log from autopsy: //"One would think a parasite would want to keep its host alive. A parasitoid no doubt, ja? Ms Ursula Clarke's tests have shown that MG-125 inhibits dystrophin. All the dying muscles would send out salts, potassium, and chloride among other proconvulsants. Also damage to the brain would have fed into his unusual movements. It seems that the damage to the brain is goal driven. Decreasing pain and pleasure. Going into self mutilations. If we find spores in the blood left by the subject, I would conclude that the neurological changes are to help the N. anomalum fitness in the wild; to help spread it via blood. Clever kleiner Bastard..." -Dr. Wolf Lorenz.//

Infection in an individual with increased expression of PrPC will appear as severe atrophy of the thalamus. This cycle is termed //Nyx Cycle//.[[footnote]]Named after //Nyx//, the Greek goddess of the night.[[/footnote]] Sleep is unatainable after 3hrs. The subject  will have increase paranoia, phobias, and complete insomnia. The one subject tested died after 6 months of complete sleeplessness.

An infection in a subject with low purine metabolism will result in a intense episode of psychosis, self mutilations, and delusions of grandeur. This cycle is know as the //9H-purine Cycle//.[[footnote]]Researchers are divided between if they were actually delusions or something related to the sapience of //N. anomalum// . Until evidence is found, they were delusions.[[/footnote]]

**Known cycles of //N. anomalum//:**

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A simplified diagram of the known cycles of //N. anomalum//. This report will not go into such detail.

**Test Deus Ex:**
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> **Subject:** D-8204 **Affliction:** Psychopathy **Specific Symptoms:** [REDACTED].[[footnote]]Information will be released in 90 days or until all affected property has been thoroughly bleached and the carpets replaced.[[/footnote]]
> **Subject:** D-8482 **Affliction:** Peptic Ulcers **Specific Symptoms:** D-8482 began to projectile vomit. D-8482 would keep eye contact until she felt like she could hit another person with her vomitus. Analysis of the vomitus did show viable spores.
> **Subject:** D-8778 **Affliction:** Huntington's Disease, 40 CAG repeat **Specific Symptoms:** D-8778 showed a 2,000x increase of glutamine within the central nervous system. Spasms are more violent per usual infection. Autopsy of D-8778's brain was not possible due to severe excitotoxicity, very few neurons were still intact.

**Intercepted email to Generálporučík Arpad Miklos from Alexandr █████, Operations Director, Site 204**

[[footnote]] Classified on the orders of ████ █████. This letter is to be taken as personal communication.[[/footnote]]

> //"My closest friend, Arpad, I have to redeem a favor. I was able to give you unprecedented access to Neurophyton anomalum, I now need directed research to see the weaponization potential of N. anomalum. Wise as you are, you may have realized that my people and I are on the brink of war. Let me be clear, N. anomalum is a last resort option. Ever since 9M-MRD was shot down, war is on the horizon. We are sliding back to a time where we were not viewed so great. To secure the future of the Foundation in Eastern Europe, we must glaze over a few rules and morals. I have the highest faith in you friend."
> Sasha//

**Proposal by Generálporučík Miklos to Alexandr █████, Operations Director, Site 204**

[[footnote]]This letter is to be taken as personal communication.[[/footnote]]

> //"Sasha! How is the life of 6,000 EUR suits? Nice, I'm sure.//
> //Let me start off by expressing my gratitude for allowing my PZU and I access to samples of N. anomalum for research on its weaponization potential. I will be sending our newest research on the idea of weaponization soon.[[footnote]]See //Operation Ophiocordyceps: Project Carpenter Ant//.[[/footnote]] But I do have a few concerns regarding containment.//
> //First, I would entertain the idea of changing the triage protocol for biologics. In Prague, we have revised our triage procedure. I don't want to sound elitist but would it be worth considering using the Prague triage as a model for other Foundation sites? You can't deny you cary weight up there with the others Sasha. Even if it's not our model that is used, something should be done.//
> //Second, is it feasible to allocate resources for a more __private__ containment facility? For the safety of the good residents of Prague, of course. Těchonín has only 618 residents. There's already a BSL-4 lab located there, the Centrum biologické ochrany.[[footnote]]Czech for "Biological Defense Center."[[/footnote]] Building under the guise of a related investment would draw __little__ attention.//
> //Lastly, I want to inquire about the N. anomalum class. Yes, I know that if the containment procedures are followed, it is quite safe. My feeling is that, if upgraded to eculid, we would have a more favorable setting for further weapon research. Having "eculid" on test application could help us bypass the more __annoying__ restrictions.//
> //I look forward to your visit to Prague Sasha. I know it's to be purely business. We do have much business to discuss but Prague is a fun city. I mean, we will enjoy the luxuries of the city."//
> //Your friend, Arpad//

> **Addendum:** //Weaponizing N. anomalum is a viable idea (Operation Ophiocordyceps), but Ms Samantha Power, Site 863, needs to be kept close to the evolution of Operation Ophiocordyceps. Actions recently taken by [EXPUNGED] are concerning. Due to said actions, funding for Operation Ophiocordyceps will be cited under paragraph 4.1 of the Site Protection Act, Annex 13. - Alexandr █████, Operations Director, Site 204.//

**Site 863 "Zadržování" Unit's (PZU) Preliminary NBC Incident Report Sverdlovsk**

> **PZU ID**: SHS204863
> **Occurrence Location**: Site 863, Triage Biologic S2
> **Occurrence Date**: [DATA EXPUNGED]
> **Occurrence Type**: Human Error/Aerosol Dissemination-Filter Compromise
> **Class of Anomalous**: Safe
> **Registration of the Anomalous**: SCP-4x
> **Containment Protocol as of Incident**: Triage for Safe Biologic/NATO Standard Biosafety Level-2
> **Most Critical Injury**: Fatality
> **Nearest City**: Prague
> **Narrative**: On [DATA EXPUNGED], at 1100h, ███ ███████ temporarily turned off ventilation for N. anomalum. He then preceded to remove a clogged containment filter. He marked his actions in the hardcopy logbook, but did not enter his actions in the digital log.
> **1130h**: A coworker, █████ █████, noticed the ventilation was off. He checked the digital log and did not find anything unusual. He then turned ventilation back on.
> **1201h**: The researcher on call, ████ ██████, noticed the filters were missing and contacted PZU NBC.[[footnote]]NBC stands for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical.[[/footnote]]
> **1202h**: PZU issued a complete quarantine for Triage Biologic S2.
> **1204h**: PZU NBC prepares the "Utracení stáda" protocol.[[footnote]]Utracení stáda is Czech for "Culling the flock."[[/footnote]]
> **1208h**: 3-Methylfentanyl is directed throughout the ventilation system of Triage Biologic S2 at a rate of 1100ppm per minute.
> **1221h**: Remote heart rate monitoring confirms that all ███ personnel have expired.
> **1230h**: Hydrogen peroxide is sprayed remotely throughout Triage Biologic S2.
> **1800h**: PZU NBC teams enter Triage Biologic S2 and spray a mix of formaldehyde and formic acid.
> **36 hours after initial Breach**: The acute phase of Incident //Sverdlovsk// is considered over.
> **Please Sign for Authentication**: //Generálporučík Arpad Miklos//

__**Project Ophiocordyceps, Operation Carpenter Ant-[REDACTED]**__[[footnote]]This test does not appear in the official Foundation archives. Reasons for that are unknown at this time.[[/footnote]]

> **Subject(s):** 23 randomly chosen Class-D personnel. Each subject was given a locater so their location could be pinpointed within "Bio Valley."[[footnote]]The "Bio Valley" is a +2 and -2 story building located in the Vysočina Region, Czech Republic. It was designed based on the standard facilities used by "The Chaos Insurgency." "Bio Valley" is only used in biological weapon testing.[[/footnote]]
> **Procedure:** The subjects were placed in "Bio Valley." They were given 20 minutes to spread throughout the "Bio Valley" complex. The complex was prepared akin to a normal high security building. After 20 minutes, a non-explosive munition, designed for to disperse //N. anomalum//, was fired at a predesignated area.
> **Results:** +1h: Non-lethal writhing behavior in all subjects. All 23 subjects displayed rhythmic  chorea. +2h: Intense screaming is noted in 12 subjects. Muscle spasm in all 23 subjects, seem to snap long bones in the arms and legs. (Confirm in autopsy.) White fruiting bodies are noted by the mouth and chin in all subjects. +2.5h: Three (3) subjects have expired. The remaining show intense muscle contractions. Five (5) are trying to crawl, seemingly with intent. +3h: All 23 subjects have expired.
> **Analysis:** In the terms of the question: //Could we weaponizing N. anomalum?// The analysis shows high infectivity, 100% mortally, and very easy dispersing. The outlook on a weaponized strain of //N. anomalum// is positive. Further research is needed to show how long spores remain infective.

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