
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Eustress Analgesic Titration™ Updated

Eustress(noun)-stress that is deemed healthful or giving one the the feeling of fulfillment.

 All my medical professional say to eliminate stress. A, shut the hell up (is what I think) because I can't. And B, that's impossible for anyone. I have chronic pain and gross lack of life fulfillment so unless said professional can procure some LSD, their "astress™" is flawed. So I thought since I can't eliminate stressors, I thought to tack some on.

The main idea came from the drug DMCM(methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate) which has been shown to produce analgesic effects in animals, thought to be because it produces panic which reduces the perception of pain.

The idea also came to me from the hormesis model. That basically says that low exposure to toxins and other stressors elicit a biologically favorable response. Like the cellular reaction to endogenous oxidants that cause the cell to ramp up self protection pathways which in turn protect the cell from excess damage from exogenous oxidants. That is supported by evidence that antioxidants can cause an increase in aging and worsen outcomes for some types of cancer, i.e. lung cancer.

 Anyway, I thought to increase eustress in by watching scary shows and movies. As well as playing scary video games. For me, these include:

 Paranormal Witness
 Coma(the A&E mini series which I personally liked)

 Silent Hills PT
  Silent Hill games in general
 Five Nights at Freddy's 

 Silent Hill films
 Se7en showed promise although that was more because it looked like it was shot like, in the Titanic

I highly advise against crazy shit like:>__>),, or Also against mondo films like Traces of Death. Those just cause a stress that is unhealthy due to the films being based off real deaths and since the websites depict actually death, murder, and torture. So don't even think about those. (I SAID STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!)

Also, please don't look up and read about Dean Corll, among other serial killers. Stress that causes your stomach to churn is universally advise against. You have to use your own limits to decide. I like my own choices for myself because they are a safe distance away from reality while still getting to me.

ID Investigation(whisper: Investigate) also did nothing. But I've watched murder mysteries since I was little so that makes sense.

Note that even eustress can increase pain so this is for sure not for everyone. No magic bullet either, I guess mainly because I feel like I need to sleep with an actually gun now. But I'm getting this bad boy sharpened...

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