
Monday, May 27, 2013


     My name is Alex. I am 18. Why is the name, the name of the blog? Well I have had over 75 surgeries since I was a couple months old. Any 18 year old will tell you life is unfair, hell, any age, any race, any gender, will possibly tell you that. I can't help but laugh at some of my peer's problems. Not to be mean, like comparing a virus to a live animal. They both have their features but live animal takes center over a virus. I, like anyone, will say life is unfair. This understanding of life came very early. I have Larson-like Syndrome. Basically a connective tissue disorder (like what holds the body together). Surgeries, nurses, and hospitals were my life.
     At 8yr old, I was paralyzed. Not once, but twice. I have since fully recovered from the paralyzes. Why, I will explain later... Terrible times. If I had fallen after the botched surgeries, even just tripped, I would have been paralyzed. My 150* degree scoliosis and kyphosis were "fixed" when I was 12. Both are 90 now.
    My story still drags along....
    When I was 15 I started having serve chronic back pain. Now at 18, it is finally nearly gone.
    As some can guess, I hope to become a neurologist.
    I still have my father issues to bitch about! Lets save that for now ;).
    To add to the social stress, I just happen to be bisexual (which does exist!).
     So the real question, why start a blog? Well it's not to bitch, moan, nor cry but to hopefully help someone who can relate to me is any given way. This is just a biopsy of me. I love writing, this is just a given.
    So welcome to my blog...

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