
Friday, June 6, 2014

El doctor Mengele, por favor, ayudar a nuestros niños! (Short story, 18+, Contains medical torture and Nazism. TM*)

 In the late 1960's, in the poorest areas of Brasilia, a wonderful new doctor from Deutschland moved into the area. He was a pediatrician and that fit him so well because he adored children. He would work on the poor children for free. Josef Mengele had a foggy past but no one knew, let alone cared.

     The regular children at the clinic just loved "Tio" Mengele. Always had the best sweets in his coat.

     One day, parents of two boys ran into the clinic. Josef was of course the only staff on call in this few room clinic that the doctor also owned out right. He hurried the boys, who were about 10, into an exam room. He asked the parents to wait, to save them the distress of seeing any mishaps. As Josef entered the exam him he noticed something that raised his mood more than any drug. The boys, were twins. Identical too. The good doctor couldn't believe what the Norse Gods have sent him. "Es gibt immer Hoffnung für Arier sein." he said to him self. It was time to start eugenics again.

     He had to inform the heart broken parents about their boys' death. Josef said it was Reye's Syndrome which was still unclassified. To  absolutely no fault to the parents they believed, and they also believe that it was a biohazard risk to see the "bodies" of their young sons. No biohazard ever existed but Josef was so gifted in making up false threats. He matured in a world of faux Jewish threats of course. He told the parents their sons' remains had to be cremated for safety. He gave them the ashes of two stray dogs.

     The boys only had a minor illness which resulted in stupor. Josef quickly stabilized their condition.

     The twins were very much alive and healthy. "Tio" Mengele moved them to the secret basement lab of his free clinic. They lie on two separate metal gurneys, strapped and gagged of course.

     Good ol' Josef thought, in his native Deutsch tongue, "Unser Führer wäre so stolz!" I'm sure he would have been too.

     Mengele saw the complete terror in the innocent eyes. Doc did the only sane thing of course: he giggled like a teen getting their first smart phone.

     Doctor cut the vocal cords so they wouldn't need a full time gag. Then wheeled the young twins into the OR, where the needle and thread were ever so ready.

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