
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ferrum™ Pt. 3.

Aleks: Soren, I've always wanted a pair of Skorpion vz. 61's!
Soren: I know. I remembered when you told me. I love you, you know.
Aleks: I do, I love you too.

I awoke. I was dreaming about the birthday I spend in Prague, with Soren. I loved those guns but I left them back on the bus.

I do not wish to talk about our time as slaves, it would make your heart heavy, needlessly. But soon, we were given our freedom back.

It was night. I was asleep and next to Ares. He woke me.

Ares: "Aleks, don't talk." He was whispering into me ear.

I heard fighting, screaming, and shooting. A lot of shooting. Bullets were going through our trailer. I turned to Ares.

Aleks: "Ares, if something happens, I am so thankful to have found more than a friend in you." I was trying to hold back tears.

Ares: "Don't cry tiger. Just look into my eyes!"

I did. The shooting died down but we stayed hiding until sunrise.

The sun was shining through the bullet holes.

Ares: "Stay here well I check outside." He steps out into a sunny morning.

Aleks: "Is it safe?"

Ares: "Yes but be ready."

I walked out and saw every punk dead. All shot and massacred. Shot to death. But among the dead punks, were a couple of dead spec op agents. Spent casings covered the ground.

Ares: "These are P90 casings. Used by the remaining US military."

Aleks: "They're killing any potential hosts. What we going do?"

We spent the early morning gathering supplies and arms. Ares had a M3 Super 90, Glock 19 with a 33 round mag. and even a modern tomahawk. It is WI after all.

I gathered a FN P90 from a dead solider, a FN-Five-seveN, a trench knife, and a kukri. We headed into the forest.

But just then I started to cry a light cry, but a passionate cry. Ares leaned in to see what was wrong.

Aleks: "I'm f-fine. Just- my mom- she was my best friend and now is-" Ares cut me off.

Ares: "Hey, koutavi, would don't know what the future holds. okay?" We're forehead to forehead and eye to eye. It felt, very right. It felt like male protector and one who cared for and about me. I really need to have someone who expressed all of those.

Aleks: "......... For me, for you? Yes."

I could tell Ares felt touched. He nodded a "Okay, let's go" nod.

Ferrum™ Off Shoot Series: Petr's lamenting dream

YA vizhu tvoye litso. YA pomnyu. YA pomnyu..... (I feel everything when I dream. The restraints, that cold metal forced in my ass. The warm blood running down my leg. I just focused on you in my mind's eye. It was going to get me through it. You, Arpad, were. Then I was dragged out and I saw you, your face. You were kneeling, with a shotgun with bird shot was right in your face. It was all execution style. They brought us together, for me to watch them tear us apart. Yours eyes had much worry, but just worry for me, not for yourself. In that moment your eyes said "Forgive me, my lyubimyy Feodore." Then that trigger was pulled and your head was pushed back a bit. I couldn't see your face. But then, you started to pull your head back upright. You were alive but your eyes were not your own. You started to slowly bleed from almost everywhere and nowhere. As your head started to drop forward, I saw that you were bleeding from each bird shot wound. Like plato being squeezed through a pretend plato noodle maker. I was back in my cell, still being raped, blood still pouring down my legs, and absolutely no emotion.)....... YA ne zabyvayu. YA ne proshchayu. Dlya tekh politseyskikh, ya prikhozhu, dnem, i noch'yu.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Spine

I just thought to post a picture of my spine as to give a better idea of my personal situation.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ferrum™ Part 2

I remember seeing our old house on the lake. The early morning breeze was perfect. The peaceful calm was shattered by the decay of space time. I feel cold metal, pain, then the touch of some one's protective hold. I finally wake up and see Ares still awake.

After spending their first night camping in the woods, Anita, Soren, and Petr wake up at 5am to continue there search. They were packing up their small camp site with was set in a pine forest.

Anita: "So why are you so obsessed with Aleks?"

Soren: "I have always loved him but I did things that really hurt him and he left. Just seeing him now-"

They started down the side road when Anita cut Soren off.

Anita: "You better not think this is a second chance! It's a fluke at best! We need to survive. I mean we have packs, raptors, of infected roaming the misty plains! Your obsession will kill us all, including Aleks."

After about 15 minutes of walking, Anita is talking search plan when Petr sees something farther down on the road.

Petr: "Fuck me!"

It was an infected. It seems to be a middle age male with a gut. He was wearing part of a office suite. The eyes were asymmetric, some teeth were cracked, he looked different shades of black and blue. He seemed to be trying to "mate" with a lone torso. He saw them quickly and started hobbling over. Infect often parrot sounds they used to always hear when they were healthy. This bastard kept saying, "Th-the laaaw office of...." 

Before Soren and Anita had time to say anything, Petr took his rifle and shot the sickly right above the right eye.

Soren: "Nice shooting! What number is this? Like how many have you kill?

Petr: "Oh, erm... This is my first."

Anita: "Really? You had no emotion though?"

Petr: "In Russia, people tell me, I no human, when, uhm... raped, police say I swine, me belong to them, I no human. Soon you loose old self."

Petr sighed, looked down, and started walking ahead.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hiatus over! Also, DL-Phenylalanine for pain is NO myth.

If you're like me, you look with skeptic eyes when it comes to natural shit for pain. DLPh is one of the 20 essential amino acids. It acts as a precursor to tyrosine, which in turn can be transformed into dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. So far, nothing unusual. You can find tyrosine all over.

Why and how does it help pain? It blocks enkephalin degradation by the enzyme carboxypeptidase A. Also it is a competitive antagonist at the glycine binding site of NMDA and glutamate binding sites of AMPA receptors. That is part of the pain relief given by alcohol. Which I know is the OTC analgesia nectar but I will write about the dance between alcohol and chronic pain more in detail later.

So, enkephalin is an endogenous opioid that only really binds to the ∂-opioid receptor. The receptor has less than half of the affect on pain then the µ-opioid receptor (i.e. where morphine binds to).

But hear me when I tell you, for me, I have had about a ~40% redux in "active" pain. That's only me though.

In theory, it would work better with a mild MAOI. I personally, would try it. BUT I have medical training. MAOI and DLPh will cause a hypertensive crisis, among other hells. If you still decide on doing that, your life, is in your hands. Much like risky sexual activities with a HIV+ person. I can say no but I can never stop a person's free will.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Ferrum™ Part 1

This is just something I'm sending out to test reception. I'm going with it anyway but I'm so very curious. I mean, it's my baby. Not finished nor final edited but, it's all mine. This is trademarked so help you God! Enjoy! Also, only edited ONCE!

We are a family that came about of blood. Put aside my self and my mother, our DNA is not alike. We came from different creed's, jobs, backgrounds, hopes, and dreams. Our lives were shattered. When it came time to grow our new lives, we were together so our new lives grew together. Like one big, non-physical adhesion.

Before, when life was "normal", I wasn't too happen with my place in the world. I've had Larsen like Syndrome since birth. It affects my spine and indirectly causes pain around the greater T7 vertebrae area. My grandmother told me, long after her death, that I agreed to be fitted for the new Earth so I would be able to help with recovery of the human species. I never knew how correct she was. I had my own view, and that was: Chaos is truly equal.



It was a sunny day. Beautiful, but dead. We were parked off of a side road in the middle of Wisconsin. 

By this point we all knew the basics about each other. We were all just sitting around like zombies, no pun intended. I mean, what do you do in a situation like that?! I was near a small stream talking with Petr. I remember, a cigarette, Petr was smoking a cigarette.

Petr, always a giver, though not "friendly" per say. I admire him, taking shit from the world and still be the person he was. He has shaggy blonde hair and a swimmer's body. Overall though, very russian looking. I say that with love!

Petr would always call me Sasha which is more or less, a Russian name short for Aleksander.

Aleks: "Feodore right? Petr is a nickname?"
Petr: "Nyet, Fedore's dead. Petr, name is Petr." He flicked the ash off the end of his cigarette as we talked. 

Aleks: "Okay, Petr. I have to say, granted all hell is loose and we're nomads but I feel you may need to invoke a painful release of the emotional pain I see you have." He somewhat glares at me. "I know you were raised differently in Russia-" 

Petr harshly interjects. 

Petr: "Kak vy smeyete! Hell! Russia, it is hell.." He is shaking like a scared animal, his eyes start to let go of their tears, and his lip quivers.

I slowly reach my hand out and set it upon his shoulder. 

Petr: "You should left me on road. I can not live life with what I see in my head."

Aleks: "Petr, who hurt you? You ARE safe with us. Just in the past few days I have learned so much about everyone, we're connected." I know that sounds, well, cheesy maybe but I didn't know what to say. With what he told me, it was good I kept it simple.

He began his story, he would have trouble with tears throughout it.

Petr: "Okay Sasha, you smart, I believe your words."

Petr: "His name was Arpad." He said that smiling through his tears. "We in love Sasha. In Russia, gay is bad, but I 19 and he 45. That made it more bad. He.... very beautiful though. Big muscle shoulders, little hair on face, love in his voice. He no like his hair thinning, I say it make him look wise."

Any trace of joy faded as he went on.

Petr: "One day, we in city. Both so happy. I want to kiss him, he said no safe to. I playfully, like how boyfriend are, pull him into alley and we kiss." He took a long pause. "A cook see us kiss. He call police. Big black van stops us. We had hands tied. Throw us into van. Take us to jail... I raped for 15 hours. Arpad- Arpad was murdered."

He was just staring into space as he said what he did. He put his cigarette butt out. 

Petr: "I tell family. Mistake. They say I lying OR that I wanted it. Dad say I deserve it for being daughter, no son, and I like what happen. Mama say nothing. Too ashamed. Brother try to... Do things. Oldest stopped him.  My oldest brother knew truth. Him, I, we leave Russia. When sickness happened, We go to Chicago. Only family for me, my older brother, die in Chicago."

I finally had my turn.

Aleks: "Petr, all of us, we're all like one brain. Creating emotional synapses and constructing them so we can best help each other and ourselves. The synapses will refigure to best help you now that you are able to open up." It is really hard to know what to say in response to a story like that.

I lost Petr with all the large words. 

Aleks: "Talk with Soren, he is good at helping people with pain." Petr nodded in response.

That reminded me that I hadn't been given a chance to talk to Soren in private. Soren and I actually had a sorted, involvement when I lived in Prague for a year. He was a native to the Czech Republic and spoke with an accent. With his looks, shoulder length blonde hair, stone like facial features, and a near-bodybuilder body, he could and would... And did, charm anyone into bed. That always came in handy with his job working for Interpol, side missions. Well, black side missions.

Aleks: "Soren?" I said it with a smile. His smile grew as well. I motion that he needs to meet me at the tree line, he does. I raised my hand to his face, feeling it... Before I back handed him.

Soren: "Ah, okay, I deserve that." 

Aleks: "Oh that's not even a fourth of what you deserve! Going and spending night after night with prostitutes. Leaving me at home like a fool! I can spend days on this."

Soren: "Well-" 

I cut him off. 

Aleks: "Why are you here?" 

Soren: "I wanted to make sure you are okay."  He moves closer to me. 

Aleks: "That's bull and you know it." I backed up.

I'm looking at him and I notice he is wearing this padded down jacket on that I gave him. It was unusual because he would only wear it on missions. 

Aleks: "You were sent here, they sent you?!" I gave him a little shove as I said that.

Soren: "Okay, most central european countries are holding their own, but they sent scouts out to see if there were fall back places. I made sure that I was sent here, I really did want to find you and help you. At least just to see you."

Aleks: "Say I believe what you just said, why the midwest? We're not devoid of Pseudocida homosapiensi." 

He went to talk about a place in northern MN, maybe WI, that showed promise. Like a walled off town or an island.

He also said that Interpol viewed him as expendable and no help was coming from them. 

Aleks: "I can't deal with you right now, talk with Petr, he needs you're psych help. No more about us, okay?"

He bits his lip. 

Soren: "Okay." 

I didn't really believe him but I turned and walked towards the bus without further words. 


Aleks: "Ares, hey." I was entering the bus

He was sitting in the back and killing time by reading James Michener's "Hawaii." No one reads that book willingly.

Ares was like a off beat free spirit and it was refreshing to have his energy around to say the least. He was an ethnic greek. 

He was rather short being 5 foot 6 inches. His was a young 40. He was the most muscular person I have every seen. He was was a bodybuilder. But it was the tattoos that were the most amazing thing about this Earth-walking-god. The list of tattoos he had: solid black forearms, collar & padlock around neck, 5 pointed nautical stars over nipples, 3 pointed sun from groin, shackles with pad locks around shins to ankle, solid black around each ring finger, black chin, and a galea (roman centurion helmet). Cute salt and pepper goatee. Also, he sported a smoothly shaved head.
Ares: "Books Aleks, we need books. They'll keep us away from a mental crisis. 

Aleks: "I'm sure that town a mile over has a library, we have the firepower." I responded, "That may be a very good idea but explain why it sounds like the worst idea I have ever heard!" We both had a sort of smile on our face.

I then thought of the fact that we need more medications. We may need to hit the local pharmacy. 

Aleks: "I guess, put it out there and see what everyone thinks." 

Ares nodded.


Everyone was together to debate the recent supply run put forward by Ares.

Sage: "Hell no! Books?!"

Sage was a USAF pilot. She had a rough personality but in the end, she was an amazing person. Dark skinned and almost model-like, she attracted a lot of attention but she was always loyal to her long term girlfriend, Dahlia.

Dahlia, born is London, was much more by-the-book than Sage but if it called for it, would drop a bitch with bare hands. 

Aleks: "We also need drugs."

Soren: "We have to do this."

Petr: "I will go. I survived gulag, I know how... to fight."
Soren: "Petr, rest here. Please."

Petr: "Khorosho." Petr seemed relieved to be allowed some rest. 

Soren: "How about four people go in two teams. Me and Aleks, and Anita and Ares. We can't send everyone, we need guards here too."

Anita wasn't a scrapper, she was a killer. She is native to Tel Aviv and was an active member of the IDF. She had some love handles but was is great shape. Shoulder length curly black hair, she was a sterotype I suppose.

Aleks: "Wait, what if I don't want to be paired with Soren?"

Krysta: "No, you have history and will work well together."

Krysta, my mom, the strongest person I know. She is a pretty woman though sort of looks like a turtle at the right angle!

Aleks: "Fine.... Fine, fine, fine! I'm going to make a list of meds we need."

Soren: "I can help."

Aleks: "No, no thank you. Just help everyone get their shit together."

Soren: "Like old times Aleks," He smiled.

Aleks:"Yeah, like old times." I was walking towards the bus.

Krysta: "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Aleks: "We had.... fun, when Soren and I were in Prague mom." I was grinning.


We were on our way to the center of that small town. Let me tell you, we were packing some heat! When you get a group from all over the earth, you get some fancy weapons too. But that's besides the point.

Aleks: "Soren, here is what is going to happen, I'm going to partner with Ares. We're hitting the drug store. You and Anita get field guides, medical writings, the works. We will then meet back at a certain point."

Soren: "I-I.." Soren tried to get out a word or two but I just said that I am in no mood and he knew what would entail if he did question me.

The town was very bare. Hardly any sicks. It was like a usual supply run. Ares and I got the medications we could and met back with Soren and Anita in the town square.

Aleks: "Okay, we got the meds and-"

There was a faint crying sound I heard. Like, like a women, crying.

Aleks: "You hear that?"

Ares: "Yup"

Anita: "What do you want to do?"

Ares: "Help her of course!"

Aleks: "Ares and I will find her-"

Soren: "No, I'll go!"

Aleks: I'm fine! I have my 9mm and my knife. I'm no helpless child.

Soren: ".... O-okay."

Soren nodded and sort of stepped back.

Aleks: "Here are the medicines. We'll meet you back at the bus."

Anita nodded slowly and Soren just looked like... like he saw death.


Ares and I were just walking and looking in every alley to see if we find this "crying women." Also, making sicklies' heads tear open with a 9mm round when needed.

Ares: "Where do you think she is?"

Aleks: "Somewhere..."

We rounded the edge of this diner and saw this women in the alley behind said diner.

Ares: "There."

Aleks: "I see."

I took out my combat knife.

Ares: "You don't need that out Aleks."

Aleks: "You have your process, I have mine. Besides, I don't trust."

Ares: "Why?"

We kept walking closer

Aleks: "Why?! Really? We're having this now?! Fine, okay, well daddy issues but now is NOT the place nor time to talk about it."

I cracked a half smile.

We came upon the woman. We were only about 10 feet away.

Ares: "Ma'am, it's OK. We will help you."

The woman was wearing a dirty red doted dress. Her hair was wavy, light brown, and went down her back. She started to stand.

The Woman: "But, who will help you?"

In one fluid motion, she stood up and pointed a MP 40 at both of us. Before either of us could mount a defense, I felt a heavy blow to the back of my head. Before I blacked out, I saw men appearing from all around. We've been had.


Ares and I awoke in a horse trailer. We were both hanging from the roof and our wrist were shackled, with chains, to an arm spreader. Like a mop handle, wooden, but only a foot and a half long.

Ares and I were hung across from each other, facing each other.

Aleks: "Ares?" I spoke quiet and raspy. "Ares?"

He didn't really move.

Aleks: "Ares?! Please... Please wake up." My eyes were watery at this point.

Ares: "Don't... dont worry. I'm OK."

Aleks: "Thank god."

Ares: "Not yet... Who are these guys?"

Aleks: "That woman held a nazi sub-machine gun so I'm thinking neo-nazi types."

Ares was able to see through the slits in the trailer.

Ares: "I don't think they're nazi. I see some black people and... well, a male gimp that seems to "belong" to the group."

Aleks: "So like end-of-the-world punks? I thought that was just hollywood make believe!"

Ares gave a small half smile

Ares: "Like zombies?"

I laughed a very small laugh.

Aleks: "I guess so."

I remembered a small tool I had hidden in my sneakers.

Aleks: "I need your shoulder."

Ares: "Wha-"

Before Ares could finish, I lifted my right leg onto his left shoulder. I drew him closer and lifted my left foot unto his arm spreader. I was close enough that I could twist my hand and dig into my left shoe. I pulled out a thin metal tool, in other words, a lock pick.

Aleks: "Bastards didn't even search us." I laughed.

I then started to go to town on the lock, which I could barely reach.

Ares: "That's a neat trick to say the least."

Aleks: "It says something that they chained us and didn't just tie us. Also, they hung us up."

Before I could finish or continue my thought, the lock opened and that release both of my hands. I wasn't ready for the 12in fall. Between my own sound and hitting the ground, it was noisy. All I could think was: "Fuck Fuck FUCK!"

The door started to open. Standing there was a man, he was thin, a tattoo of a twisted cross branded his left bicep. He looked like a rat in the face.

Man: "You boys are awake!"

He walks over to me and I'm still on the ground.

Man: "Escape artist?" He smiled a sick smile.

Aleks: "Fuck you!" I spit a good amount onto his boot.

Man: "That was dumb." He looked pissed.

He takes out a police baton and strikes my once in the thigh, and once in the back of the head. The blow to the head gave me a "white out." Like a really bad migraine.

Ares: "Stop it! NOW!"

Man: "Your friend here seems quite protective."

He walks to Ares and jabs his baton into his gut. There may have been a few hits to his legs but I don't fully remember. The man lets Ares down and he, with a few other men, collar us and chain us to the side of the trailer. The chain had about a five foot reach. They start to walk out.

Eddy: "Call me Eddy boys. I'm your, well, your keeper." He smiles and closes the door.

Just a moment passes.

Ares: "Are you okay Aleks?"

Aleks: "Me? What about you? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I should have been quieter. I mean-" We're sitting next to one another at this point.

Ares: "Shut up! You won't start that shit." He puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean against him.

I nod.

Ares: "Look, your mom told me all about the shit you have been through. The doctors, the hospitals, the surgeries. I am so lucky to be here with you. You're stronger then me."

Aleks: "Thanks."

He rests his head on mine and I feel his goatee on the back of my head.

Ares: "We will survie. We didn't make it this far to loose it now."


Anita and Soren are walking back to the bus.

Soren: "This isn't right! They should be back. We need to be looking for them!"

Anita: "We need to drop off this extra shit, then get the proper equipment and form a search party."

Soren: "This can't be happening. No... Just, no."

Anita: "Shut up and focus! Okay? Konzentrieren Sie sich! Do you understand?! You know, I know all about you. The "playboy of Interpol" is how I've heard you described. Unlike you, I'm a really agent, I don't act like a UCLA student."


Krysta, mom, was just sitting. She was completely catatonic. The group was talking right outside the door, on the grass. The sun hung very low in the early april sky. Ophelia, who had been sitting next to my mom, walked out.

Ophelia: "I'm so worried about her. I can't start to imagine."

Ophelia was, almost like the "modern piece of art in the museum." She had blonde hair that was in a bob, delicate face features. Her hair though, I mean, almost a couture white. She worked major crimes in Madison before. She's 34 now.

Russell: "We all are."

Now Russell was a MPD cop before. He was pretty short. He was bald. But he had some muscles under his slight beer gut.

Anita: "I mean we'll find them. It's not like, I mean." She was inspecting her TAR-21. Soren was getting his silenced MP7 ready, likewise. He was rather emotionless.

Sage: "Just the two of you?"

Anita: "Well we don't have much of a choice."

Dahlia: "We need to talk about who is all going."

Petr: "I will go." He had been very quit since Soren and Anita came back. He was under everyone's radar until now. "I hunted with father for a long time. Ms. Doubek needs protection here. I need to help."

Anita: "I won't rebuff that."

Soren: "Okay, you'll need a gun."

Petr: "Like this?" He pulled a Madkarov PMM from his belt.

Anita: "Goddamn. Yeah like that. You said you hunted? Take this then." She handed him the Winchester 70."

Soren grabbed a white gun case. You couldn't see inside.

Anita: "No, nope. That's way to heavy to bring."

Soren: "I will carry it. It belongs to Aleks by the way."

10 minutes later, when the three were ready to get going, that Krysta finally spoke. She came out, her eyes were dark and sunken.

Krysta: "You HAVE to find him....."

Continued near future...

"How we deal with lunatics, in the asylum." (Short Story, 18+, Somewhat Sexual, TM)

     "You want to go into the Mendota Asylum, for a story??" his boss said. "Let me tell you how dumb that is," he started with his cigar bobbing with each word. He continued, "asylum reform is OVER. Stop copying others' work Ayer!"

     Ayer, Mark Ayer was a reporter in the Milan of the Midwest, or Madison as normal people call it. Mad City, Wisconsin of course. Mark was a 18 year old reporter for a major Madison paper.

     Mark never really wanted to be a reporter. He only took the job to pay for the awesome and outstanding medical school fees.

     Mark finally countered, "They have scandals of not providing treatment for their patients and I know the medical field but they won't know my face there boss! Mad City is so goddamn Lib(eral), they will eat it up!" Mark was bitting his lip, waiting for an answer.

     "No more protest, no serial killers... You're lucky the news is slow! You have your story. Although, getting you in, that's on you Ayer. God help you if you piss off the entire medical community in Madison." said his boss.

     "Do not worry, it will all be on me sir."


     Several days later, Mark checked himself into the asylum. He assumes the name "Rick Treger." Being a student he had his pick of false ID's.

     Mark, or Rick, walked into the main entrance of the asylum. It reminded of a recent PC game called, Outlast.

     Mark presented himself with faux schizophrenia and was taken to a treatment room. Already Mark had a piece for his story as he was put into a less than humane room. One iron frame bed with a mattress, flickering light, cheap night table, and no window. Not to mention the brown stains on the floor, the yellow stains in the corner, and the clear opaque stains just everywhere.

     Mark used his hidden camera and recorder to document the horrors. He wasn't afraid one bit! I'm terrified just driving across the asylum grounds.

     Mark was subjected to many blood tests and was put on a cocktail of psychotropic drugs. It made him feel like a zombie but all the violations he was capturing was worth it.

     One day, one moment, came the very last, the very worst violation. It was late night, around 11:30, when one of the night doctors knocked on Mark's door. Mark did awake and noticed the unusualness despite being heavily medicated. It was actually one of the senior docs. Doctor Reynard was at his cell door.

     Sam Reynard was very respected in the UW. But even though Reynard had a loving wife, he still took every young adult male as his "special patient." Everyone know but Reynard had deep pockets, which is somewhat ironic.

     Mark was Reynard's perfect creature. Mark was lean, shaved, brown hair, and green eyes.

     Reynard was, lets say, no where near the perfect 50 year old. He was a bald, beer gutted, hairy, cigar smoking pig.

     "Rick, this is perfectly normal. Night time checks are vital." Reynard said with a deviant smile. Reynard also came in with a cart. On the cart was restraints and open ampules of medication.

     Mark tried to sit but the doctor's girth pinned the young adult down on his stained bed.

     "You need to relax Ricky, relax and to serve your purpose. You were born sick, that means you are basically an object. You may not be here much longer so I need to mark my new found piggy." Reynard took out a needle and syringe and continued, "this my baby, is pancuronium." The doctor injected the syringe into the 20 year old. The MD ephebophiliac continued, "This will not kill you my love, just weaken your strong manly body."

     Mark became nearly unable to control his muscles. He could barely breath. The doc placed a tube very deep into Mark's flaccid throat. It acted to help his breathing but also acted as a gag. But no worries, Mark still felt all the pain and was very much aware.

     The sadistic MD then tore off Mark's issued gown and- well, this is not S&M, but come to me for details.

     The following morning, Reynard finished with the patient. He later would say he "released" more with Mark than with any other "Bubi" of his. Everyone received their bonuses early and on that day. Dr. Reynard was so joyful.


     Only Mark could say that rape was no where near the worst thing. Only hours into the same morning, he heard Reynard state this outside his cell: "I have gotten Treger, Rick's blood report back. He has a trinucleotide repeat in his FLNA gene. He fits into my own personal study! No fucking with the lab report, I get to own that idiot." Who he was talking to was unknown at the time.

     But several strong orderlies tied Mark to his bed and moved him to the elevator. It just kept going down and down.... and down.

El doctor Mengele, por favor, ayudar a nuestros niños! (Short story, 18+, Contains medical torture and Nazism. TM*)

 In the late 1960's, in the poorest areas of Brasilia, a wonderful new doctor from Deutschland moved into the area. He was a pediatrician and that fit him so well because he adored children. He would work on the poor children for free. Josef Mengele had a foggy past but no one knew, let alone cared.

     The regular children at the clinic just loved "Tio" Mengele. Always had the best sweets in his coat.

     One day, parents of two boys ran into the clinic. Josef was of course the only staff on call in this few room clinic that the doctor also owned out right. He hurried the boys, who were about 10, into an exam room. He asked the parents to wait, to save them the distress of seeing any mishaps. As Josef entered the exam him he noticed something that raised his mood more than any drug. The boys, were twins. Identical too. The good doctor couldn't believe what the Norse Gods have sent him. "Es gibt immer Hoffnung für Arier sein." he said to him self. It was time to start eugenics again.

     He had to inform the heart broken parents about their boys' death. Josef said it was Reye's Syndrome which was still unclassified. To  absolutely no fault to the parents they believed, and they also believe that it was a biohazard risk to see the "bodies" of their young sons. No biohazard ever existed but Josef was so gifted in making up false threats. He matured in a world of faux Jewish threats of course. He told the parents their sons' remains had to be cremated for safety. He gave them the ashes of two stray dogs.

     The boys only had a minor illness which resulted in stupor. Josef quickly stabilized their condition.

     The twins were very much alive and healthy. "Tio" Mengele moved them to the secret basement lab of his free clinic. They lie on two separate metal gurneys, strapped and gagged of course.

     Good ol' Josef thought, in his native Deutsch tongue, "Unser Führer wäre so stolz!" I'm sure he would have been too.

     Mengele saw the complete terror in the innocent eyes. Doc did the only sane thing of course: he giggled like a teen getting their first smart phone.

     Doctor cut the vocal cords so they wouldn't need a full time gag. Then wheeled the young twins into the OR, where the needle and thread were ever so ready.